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Tapped House TV is a collaborative storytelling media company based in Western Washington. Known for television programs like The Hallow Ian Horror Hour, short films like The Need and Bad Chemistry, and a variety of podcasts, gaming media, and live events.

Bad Chemistry

BAD CHEMISTRY is an independent film from the collaborative minds of On The Fence Productions and Tapped House.

Directed by Michael Rognlie & EE Tallent.  Written and adapted to the screen by Director of Photography Michael Rognlie.   Produced by Sam Arias Mostovoy, EE Tallent, and Michael Rognlie.

Histories of Hallowe'en 

The Pale Parade follows four trick or treaters on Hallowe'en night through a fantastical history lesson of myths of Hallowe'en's of old. With strong after School special vibes, and a great young cast. See all four parts on The Hallow Ian Horror Hour!

The Hallow Ian Horror Hour VHS

We bid you welcome to Seattle’s very own SCAREIETY show! Hosted by dead media's favorite group of the undead, The Graveyard Gang! Join Hallow Ian, Sam, Scary Ghost, and more freaky friends as they dig up the CREAM OF THE CREEP from the show!

See Spine-tingling skits! Maniacal music videos! Groovy interviews with filmmakers! Learn cool Halloween History! And experience the absolute best indie horror featurettes ever aired on their SCAREWAVES!

Imagine Elvira hanging out at PeeWee’s Playhouse watching spooky and kooky indie horror with radical bands blasting in the background! That’s how The Hallow Ian Boo Crew do! Now slice open those eyeballs, and dig out that FEARwax – WE HAVE SUCH SHORTS TO SHOW YOU!